Cross Crew Qualification courses (CCQ) and BRIDGE Courses

Cross Crew Qualification courses (CCQ) and BRIDGE Courses

Qualiflight is highly experienced in crosscrew qualification courses (CCQ)in order to provide you with a smooth and efficient transition within all the Airbus ( fly-by-wire) family. Increase your job opportunities in a growing Aviation market though all our well designed transition course .

Cross Crew Qualification courses (CCQ) Airbus

Course CCQ
A-320 ↔ A-330

Course CCQ
A-330/340 ↔ A-320

Course CCQ
A-330 ↔ 340

Boeing BRIDGE Course

All type ratings of Boeing to

All type ratings of Boeing to

All type ratings of Boeing to

All type ratings of Boeing to

Difference Courses

B 757 ↔ B 767

B 777 ↔ B 787

Formulario para candidadatos preseleccionados programa cadete