C/QMS (Compliance/Quality Management System) for Airlines

C/QMS (Compliance/Quality Management System) for Airlines​

Quality Management Systems lay the framework for consistent performance throughout an airline’s activities. This course provides an introduction to QMS components and objectives that you can establish within your operations. 

Learn the key regulatory and operational requirements for designing and controlling an efficient QMS, then practice your skills in process mapping, procedure writing and audit finding review during a series of practical exercises.

This course is available at Demo Aviation and on-demand in the client facilities

This course is available at Demo Aviation Facilities and on-demand in the client facilities

Course content

ISO 9000 family and quality requirements

  • Quality policy

  • Quality manual and its contents

  • Management review process

Process management

  • Establishing processes

  • Planning and writing procedures

Document control

  • Which elements to control and how

  • Planning a document infrastructure

Audit management

  • Measuring compliance

  • Root cause analysis

  • Developing and initiating a corrective action plan

  • Levels of non-conformity

QMS and Safety Management System (SMS) parallels

  • Managing a safety reporting program 


Practical exercises

Who should attend

This course is designed for airline staff, including: ​ Management new to the field of quality Quality internal auditors Operations managers

Certificate awarded

A DemoAviation Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 70% or higher on all exercises and exams. A special distinction is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.

Formulario para candidadatos preseleccionados programa cadete