Are you looking to expand your flight opportunities?

How about opening your frontiers to a licence valid in more than 30 countries?

In QUALIFLIGHT we help you get to your dream, with a tailored preparation course to convert your ICAO licence to an EASA licence.


First option, a course for those pilots who are in a hurry to get their licence and type rating converted to EASA asap, duration of about 3 months.

Second option, for those pilots who wish to refresh and expand on those ATP theoreti- cal knowledge a little further and have a bit more time, duration of about 12 months.


Duration 3 months

First 2 and half months dedicated to prepare and undertake the ATP EASA exams, which include 2 weekly individual online tutorials with an experienced pilot to help you down the road. To prepare the theoretical exams you will have an online platform with up to 16,000 official questions, accessible online and with an application. Detailed explanation to all questions, statistics and reports to track your progress. Just before taking the official EASA exams, you will be at QUALIFLIGHT school for a 3 day pre-examination, to be safe and sound you will succeed on the official exams.

Once theoretical knowledge is behind, all is left will be to convert your type rating. This will take 3 simulator sessions carried out in 2 days. First a training session to prepare you for the two assessmentsof competence. Second simulatorsession dedicated to assess your type rating and additional ratings, such as IR, PBN, UPRT, to be fully functional to fly. Third session is the ATP assessmentof competence.


Duration 12 months

010 Air law and ATC procedures

020 Aircraft general knowledge

021 Airframe and systems, electrics, power plant and emergency equipment

022 Instrumentation

030 Flight performance and planning
031 Mass and balance
032 Performance (Aeroplane)
033 Flight planning and monitoring

040 Human performance and limitations

050 Meteorology

060 Navigation

061 General navigation 062 Radio navigation

070 Operational procedures

080 Principles of flight

081 Principles of flight (Aeroplane)

090 Communications

091 VFR communication 092 IFR communications

To study these 14 subjects, you will have a state-of-the-art Computer Based Training (CBT) program to guide you through different modules, reviewing all the theory behind the subjects. The course includes the magnificent CBT, an Online ATP question bank to test your acquired knowledge and prepare you for the official exams, 3 revision weeks to help you consolidate your learning and 3 accelerator weekends to help you with specific subjects.

To complement the course, you will have an additional up to date 16,000 question bank with the latest EASA official exams.

Just before taking the official EASA exams, you will be at QUALIFLIGHT school for a 3 day pre examination, to be safe and sound you will succeed on the official exams.

Last month with the theoretical part behind, all is left will be to convert your type rating. This will take 3 simulator sessions carried out in 2 days. First a training session to prepare you for the two assessments of competence. Second simulator session dedicated to assess your type rating and additional ratings, such as IR, PBN, UPRT, to be fully functional to fly. Third session is the ATP assessment of competence.

Course Fees

Don’t hesitate to contact us, we have the best team to assist you. QUALIFLIGHT instruction, help, support and empathy from professionals to professionals.

Formulario para candidadatos preseleccionados programa cadete